With contact lenses, you get the freedom to look and feel the way you want. There are many options to choose from and with our specialised service, we make sure that each client gets lenses that are comfortable and appropriate for their eyes and lifestyle. We aim to make the process as simple as possible, so switching to contact lenses may be easier than you think.

An assessment with an optometrist is the essential first step to helping you find the perfect set of contact lenses for your eyesight and lifestyle. The assessment includes a vision test to calculate your prescription, measurements of your eyes to see which lens type will suit you best and some questions about how you want to use contact lenses. Your optometrist will explain which contact lenses are best suited for you and help you to decide which type you would like to try.

We offer all the major types of contact lenses so everyone can find the right ones for them. Different lenses can be used for permanent and occasional use, so however you want to use them we can find a plan to suit you. There are also different kinds of lenses for different eye types and conditions, with the main types being soft and rigid gas permeable lenses. Your optometrist will help you find the right option for you and you’ll have the opportunity to try your lenses to be sure you find them comfortable and effective.
We understand that your experience with contact lenses only begins with assessment and fitting. With this in mind, we offer an aftercare service to ensure that we can keep looking after you once you’ve started using your lenses. These appointments are important to ensure your prescription is up-to-date and to check up on your eye health. We also use them as an opportunity to give you any advice or information you need to get the most out of your lenses.